How do you know if you're making these mistakes?
Simple, you'll be experiencing at least 3 of these symptoms

Stress & Overwhelm
You're spinning so many marketing plates. You don't know what to do next, and you're close to burning out.

Rollercoaster Numbers
You've got inconsistent new patient numbers, revenue, and expenses as well as appointment bookings.

Cashflow Worries
You're struggling with sleepless nights worrying about where the money will come from to pay the bills.

Feeling Unfulfilled
You're feeling unhappy and out of alignment with your work, and like your practice is running you.

Poor Patient Experiences
You're seeing patients not booking, not returning, not referring, or not leaving rave reviews.

Poor Marketing ROI
Your marketing is not giving you at least a 4:1 return from the investment you are making
Running a healthcare practice can be HARD.
You studied and trained to be a healthcare practitioner not a business owner right?!
And if you’re like most of the practice owners and managers I work with, you got into this business because you wanted to help people...
...not spend all your time doing marketing!!
Well, the reality is this . . . .
Whether you currently run a visiting practice, a single chair clinic, a multidisciplinary practice or a multi-center practice . . .
Your practice appointments are never going to fill themselves !!
Sadly as much as you'd love to think that being a great clinician will have new patients flocking to your door, the truth is you need to be as good at marketing as you are at helping your patients.
Your ability to create a happy thriving private practice hinges largely on your ability to be a good marketer.
BUT there are ways you can "do your marketing" that will make it way more effective saving you time, money, and stress.

How do I know this?
Because I've been in your shoes.
I'm Jill Woods, a qualified podiatrist and trainer, an experienced marketer, and practice owner, so I know from first-hand experience that if you're running a small private practice there is a good chance that :
- You probably don't pay yourself a regular salary
- You spend evenings and weekends writing up notes and trying to keep on top of your business admin
- You're often overwhelmed by everything you have to do just to keep the business doors open
- You love helping your patients back to a better quality of life
- You love being part of your local community
- You want to stay in practice but you want to feel rewarded and fulfilled not drained and exhausted
Since 2009 (after I stopped running my own practice because of a crazy nomadic life) I have helped 1,000's of health practitioners, just like you, understand marketing better and apply it into their practices to get better results.
So I've seen these mistakes play out time and time again in different practices. Whether you're a Podiatrist, Chiropractor, Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Acupuncturist, Optometrist, or part of another healthcare profession, you're probably not immune to these problems.
My mission is to help you understand what changes need to be made, improve your marketing, and build the practice you dream of, so that you can live a happy fulfilled life.
Because that is what we all deserve.
So where do you start?
You start by understanding these five common marketing mistakes.
The 5 marketing mistakes
you need to correct are . . .

Using Generic Marketing
Trying to attract everyone in your local area with every pathology you treat, with every piece of your marketing, is never going to work.

Focusing on Sales Messages
You need to make sales, but people are sick of being sold to, yet so many private practices are still doing a lot of selling in their marketing.

Being too Corporate
People buy from people, especially in healthcare, yet many private practices portray themselves as being bigger than they are and hide behind a logo.

Selling Appointments
Patients don't want to buy an appointment, they want a solution to their problem. What are you focused on selling? Time or value?

Marketing Intermittently
Many practices only focus on their marketing when the new patient numbers dip so they experience rollercoaster patient numbers.
Do any of these feel familiar?
YES ? !!
OK so let's fix them
I want to make this really simple for you so I've put together a FREE step by step, 5 day self study programme to guide you through a simple process.

Welcome to your free 5 day
Marketing Detox
I know, you're working hard on your practice marketing and you could well be doing lots of the right things, just not quite in the right order or in the right way so your marketing is not supporting your practice as much as it should.
In short, you're wasting time, money & energy with ineffective marketing.
You need a strategy to help you review everything that you are doing, and fine tune certain things to make sure every element is working effectively.
This simple FREE 5 day programme is going to show you how to overcome these five common marketing mistakes that are holding so many healthcare practices back.
It's going to help, nurse your marketing back to health, improve its effectiveness, and increase the flow of new dream patients (the ones you love to work with) into your practice.
A Detox that Really Works
If you're skeptical of detoxes check out this video
Creating a happy thriving private practice is absolutely possible for you
To get there you have to start by taking decisive action to create change.
Register Now for Immediate Free Access