Practice Momentum Blog

Private Practice Success - A powerful rainy day mindset shift

Practice Momentum - Healthcare Marketing Solutions
Private Practice Success - A powerful rainy day mindset shift


You're the one keeping you stuck in your practice

I know it hurts, but it's the truth.

Let me explain how - using a HUGE lightbulb moment straight from my walk to work.


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The number one private practice marketing mistake (and what to do about it)


The owners of a small healthcare practice find themselves in many different situations when it comes to their local market. Some are in a wide blue ocean with no "competitors" as far as the...

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The Secret of Time - could a dog boost your practice digital marketing?

Practice Momentum - Healthcare Marketing Solutions
The Secret of Time - could a dog boost your practice digital marketing?


It sounds rediculous I know but in the fast-paced world of digital marketing, where the apparent whims of the different digital platforms dictate your marketing impact, one factor many...

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Don't Follow the Flock - Embracing your freedom to choose

Practice Momentum - Healthcare Marketing Solutions
Don't Follow the Flock - Embracing your freedom to choose


Have you become a sheep?!!

Let's talk about a little thing called freedom - the kind of freedom that can feel a bit elusive when you're running your practice. It's all too easy when it comes...

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Negative Online Reviews - How to deal with (and learn from) them

Practice Momentum - Healthcare Marketing Solutions
Negative Online Reviews - How to deal with (and learn from) them

Negative online reviews are almost inevitable at some point in your private practice journey. Getting one can feel like a real body blow, but I believe that understanding what to do about negative...

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The Power of Live Streaming - for small local healthcare practices

We all know that technology and marketing are moving at one heck of a speed and keeping up is really hard, especially if it isn't your forte, passion, or area of expertise.

BUT we also know...

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The Simplest Small Practice Marketing Strategy in 2024


Marketing strategies be like

I totally get it, being the owner of a small healthcare practice is off the charts bonkers. You’re overwhelmed, confused, and to be honest a bit...

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NEW Private Practice Email Marketing Rules 2024


You may well have heard about the new rules and regulations brought in by Google and Yahoo from the 1st of February 2024. It isn't a scheme to make our lives harder, but an attempt to better...

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Patient Membership Programmes - Are you (and they) missing out?



Patient Membership programmes - what are they?

You are probably familiar with a membership model in the form of Amazon Prime, Netflix, or Costco membership, but may not have considered...

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Healthcare Private Practice Predictions for 2024


Firstly an apology - I would normally create a video and an audio to go with my blog posts but these will have to come retrospectively as I've had laryngitis for over a week and so have...

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