Practice Momentum Blog

Don't Follow the Flock - Embracing your freedom to choose

Practice Momentum - Healthcare Marketing Solutions
Don't Follow the Flock - Embracing your freedom to choose


Have you become a sheep?!!

Let's talk about a little thing called freedom - the kind of freedom that can feel a bit elusive when you're running your practice. It's all too easy when it comes...

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Negative Online Reviews - How to deal with (and learn from) them

Practice Momentum - Healthcare Marketing Solutions
Negative Online Reviews - How to deal with (and learn from) them

Negative online reviews are almost inevitable at some point in your private practice journey. Getting one can feel like a real body blow, but I believe that understanding what to do about negative...

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How to (massively) Reduce Your Local Practice Competition

Practice Momentum - Healthcare Marketing Solutions
How to (massively) Reduce Your Local Practice Competition


OK let’s cut to the chase - having other practices locally to you is almost inevitable!

But it isn’t necessarily a problem.

The problems only occur IF you’re finding it...

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Too Many Patients - How to Solve the Problem

Practice Momentum - Healthcare Marketing Solutions
Too Many Patients - How to Solve the Problem


Too Many Patients – how to deal with the problem

Having too many patients may sound like a wonderful problem to have, but just ask those practices in that situation currently and...

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Retention MarketingĀ - 5 ways Practice Management software can help

Practice Momentum - Healthcare Marketing Solutions
Retention MarketingĀ - 5 ways Practice Management software can help

Retention marketing often gets forgotten

Most healthcare practices focus a majority of their marketing time and energy on attracting new patients. In this week's blog, guest blogger Ellie...

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Your Patient Experience ā€“ why itā€™s so important

How does your patient experience measure up?

Your patient experience, i.e. the quality experience patients have of engaging with your practice from the first moment they become aware of you to the...

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