Practice Momentum Blog

Private Practice Marketing - Do you still need a blog?

Spoiler alert -


Sorry if that was not what you wanted to hear.
So if that's all you came to learn you can go and get on with your day.

But if you want to understand a bit more about why you...

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The Power of Live Streaming - for small local healthcare practices

We all know that technology and marketing are moving at one heck of a speed and keeping up is really hard, especially if it isn't your forte, passion, or area of expertise.

BUT we also know...

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The Simplest Small Practice Marketing Strategy in 2024


Marketing strategies be like

I totally get it, being the owner of a small healthcare practice is off the charts bonkers. You’re overwhelmed, confused, and to be honest a bit...

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Healthcare Private Practice Predictions for 2024


Firstly an apology - I would normally create a video and an audio to go with my blog posts but these will have to come retrospectively as I've had laryngitis for over a week and so have...

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How to (massively) Reduce Your Local Practice Competition

Practice Momentum - Healthcare Marketing Solutions
How to (massively) Reduce Your Local Practice Competition


OK let’s cut to the chase - having other practices locally to you is almost inevitable!

But it isn’t necessarily a problem.

The problems only occur IF you’re finding it...

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Small Business Saturday - A winning strategy

What is Small Business Saturday?

Small Business Saturday (SBS) is a marketing initiative started by the credit card company American Express in 2010 to help support their customers running small...

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Creating a Patient Referral Network


How to Create Your Patient Referral Network

Many healthcare practices rely heavily on other local healthcare professionals and associated businesses for new patient referrals. This is a great way...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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