Practice Momentum Blog

Should I put prices on my website?

Do you or don't you?

The question of whether to list prices on a healthcare practice website is a recurring topic of debate among health professionals and a question I get asked reasonably...

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Your Google Profile is too Boring - 8 super simple content ideas to recycle

Struggling with your Google Business Profile? Let’s fix that!

If you’re a healthcare practitioner running a practice, chances are you’ve stared at your Google Business Profile...

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Your Free 10 Minute Photoshoot

Practice Momentum - Healthcare Marketing Solutions
Your Free 10 Minute Photoshoot

Stop overthinking your photos!

If I had a pound for every time a client said, "I don't have any good photographs for my website or social media," I’d be a very rich lady. The biggest...

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Royalty Free Images – The 6 Best Sites for Healthcare Practices

It goes without saying, that to market your healthcare practice in the current climate, you need high-quality images.

You need them on your:

  • Website
  • Social media accounts
  • Blog
  • Business cards...
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