There are two different ways you can work with the Practice Momentum team

1 - Community based support 

We have 2 levels of community based support where we and you, join forces with other practitioners in business, and you all receive training and coaching collectively

2 - Bespoke support

You can work individually with our team to receive bespoke support that will help you maximise the potential of your marketing more quickly.

Which is going to work best for you?


Scroll down to find out



Practice Momentum Academy

It's no good shooting for the stars in your practice if you don't first put strong foundations in place.

Our Practice Momentum Academy is designed to give you just that, all of the essential ingredients you need to create strong foundations in your practice, and the bonus is it's all completely free.

We stack all of our great free foundation level resources inside our Practice Momentum Academy website where you can access them 24/7 via your desktop or your mobile via our app.

Then inside our Academy Facebook group, you will get lots of support from other members and our team and a place to ask your marketing questions, bounce new ideas around, and celebrate your successes.

Join the Practice Momentum Academy Now

Level 2

Practice Momentum 
Thrivers Club

For practitioners wanting to take their personal and practice growth to the next level, our Thrivers Club is the place to be.
The Club is now made up of 3 elements:

  • The Rehab Programme -  a step by step process to get you out of Practice Paralysis
  • Hub membership - our community, monthly coaching, and extra resources
  • Accelerator membership - 90 day live goal setting session, 6 hours of live accountability sessions every week, monthly live group Pow-wow and private members-only community

The doors to the Club only open three times a year - Sept, Jan and May. 

Click here to register for early notification


Practice Momentum Community

It's no good shooting for the stars in your practice if you don't first put strong foundations in place.

Or Practice Momentum Community is designed to give you just that, all of the essential ingredients you need to create strong foundations in your practice, and the bonus is it's all completely free.

We stack all of our great free foundation level resources inside our Practice Momentum Community website where you can access them 24/7 via your desktop or your mobile via our app.

You'll also be joining one of the friendliest, most supportive communities of health practitioners inside our Facebook group where you can ask your marketing and practice development questions, bounce new ideas around and celebrate your successes.

Join the Practice Momentum Community Now

Level 2

Practice Momentum 
Success Club

For practitioners wanting to take their personal and practice growth to the next level our Success Club (previously the Sombrero Club) delivers simply structured, easy to digest education and training in a group coaching environment. Plus, you become a member of one of the best online communities of health professionals in business that there is (we know we are biased).

Click here for full details


Practice Momentum Accelerator


Each year we take 20 dedicated practitioners into our Accelerator. A community of focussed practitioners all looking for access to specialist help in developing their practice to its full potential. Thriving and delivering exceptional patient services, career opportunities and owner rewards. Our next intake will be announced in December 2020. Places are allocated following a selection process to make sure we get big dreamers and action takers who will thrive the most in this environment.

Join our Accelerator VIP list to be notified first


One to One Coaching

Each year Jill works one to one with a very small number of carefully selected committed practice owners to help them focus on creating a business that is aligned with them personally.

Click for full details

Practice Websites

Fed up with seeing health practitioners struggling to get good value websites, that work effectively, that they own, and have access to, Dave & Jill joined forces to give you just that.

Click to Download Brochure

Admin Support

There is a lot to do inside even the smallest healthcare practice, which is why Jen our admin ninja is here to help you by taking some of the admin strain.

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Video & YouTube

Adrian is our go to video and YouTube guy and he's here to help you too. 
If you're struggling with editing videos or managing and optimising your YouTube channel we'll connect you.

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SEO Services

Optimising your website and Google Business profile for great search results is a real skill, which is why we are thrilled Amit with his interest in healthcare and specialist SEO skills has joined our team.

Request more details

Social Media

Social media is an important, but time consuming, element of your practice marketing. So we have teamed up with Jo & Charlotte to get you better results in less time.

Click for full details

Digital Advertising

Advertising online is an effective way to attract the right new patients, but it requires expert knowledge. So we teamed up with Louise to get your's working.

Click for full details

Need a little need extra specialist help?

How to Elevate you & your practice

The book for practitioners looking to create a small thriving practice.

This book contains the collective knowledge of both myself and highly successful small practice owner, Jonathan Small.

Everything we've learnt about personal development and effective business strategy, through our collective 50 + years experience of growing thriving practices through the natural highs and lows of business.

All written in a digestible and actionable format, to help you get the results you want in your practice.

We wrote it just for you 😁

Success in private practice is not all about growing a big business that runs on auto-pilot so that you can walk away.

So much business support and coaching for healthcare practitioners follows this model.

But we know lots of practitioners want to stay hands on with their patients (maybe just working fewer days a week 😉). They don't want huge premises or big teams. BUT they do want a business that makes them feel professionally, personally, and financially rewarded for the work they do.

If that's how you feel, then we wrote this book for you 🥰


Buy Your Copy Now

Get in touch and let us know what kind of help you need.

We are here to help you ♥️