💣 Google ads Truth bomb . . .
If you're getting crap results
You're doing them wrong
Google ads can work brilliantly for local healthcare practices.
So if you're struggling with:
Low impressions
Low click through rates
High costs per click
If you've had a go and think Google ads don't work
Or are thinking of having a go for the first time . . .
⬇️ PLEASE watch this video ⬇️
OK I'm ready to get my Google ads working !!
➡️ GET INSTANT ACCESS £367 ⬅️❌ STOP what you're doing if your ads are not working ❌
Or you suspect they aren't but you're not 100% sure 😳
You're wasting time and money, when you could be running effective ads, helping more patients, and generating more revenue.
OK, so it's not quite working for you . . .
Your current Google ad reality is like
- You're not confident running your ads - you've used Google help but ....
- You've seen it work for other people but - You're not seeing the new patient numbers you'd like
- It's costing you more than you're comfortable with - and you've no real idea what your ROI is
- The links take people to your website homepage - and if you're honest, it's not a great site and won't be helping
- You've no idea how to monitor your ads impact - so you're not sure if they are working or not
- Exact match keywords and geo-targeting - WTF 😳

But a different reality is possible . . .
- You're confident your ads are doing their job - you're not guessing anymore
- Your website traffic has increased - Your ads are doing a great job driving traffic
- You're seeing an increase in new patient enquiries - Your phone is ringing and people are messaging
- Your cost per click is dropping - your ads are becoming much more cost effective
- You're using a landing page, not your homepage - and people aren't bouncing
- You know exactly how to monitor your ads - so you're tweaking and getting better results
- You're attracting great local patients - your keywords and geo-targeting are working

The answer is YES if :
You accept that Google ads can be really effective
You don't want someone else running your ads
You don't have the budget to have someone else running your ads
You're done trying to figure this out on your own.
This is all You Need - in 3 simple modules

Module 1 - Preparation
Effective ad campaigns all require some solid foundation work to be done first.
Without this your ad campaign is unlikely to give you a good return.

Module 2 - Set Up
Next, you need to set up both your ads and your campaign in a specific way so that they are as effective as possible.
This takes expert knowledge and skill to get right!

Module 3 - Review
Once you're ads are up and running things do get easier.
But you still need to review and tweak them to get the best performance from them over time.
Google ads work 24/7
Driving new patients toward your practice on autopilot
It's pretty simple.
- People are constantly searching for services and products in the Google search engine.
- Google simply marries some key criteria including where they are, and the words they are typing, to ads currently being run.
- Then depending on the budget set by the business, they show any relevant ads in descending bid price order.
- If you are the only business using certain keywords in your area your ad is the only one shown.
The power of Google Ads comes because they get shown to someone right at the moment they are searching for the kind of services being promoted in the ad.
So, at the least, they are very interested, and at best, they are looking to buy that exact service in that very moment.
This is unlike Facebook ads, where people are usually scrolling for fun when they see an ad.
Different headspace - different intention - different outcome
Meet Louise
She is going to be your expert guide throughout this Google ads programme.
Louise specialises in helping health and wellbeing businesses with tech-based systems marketing.
With a mathematics background and having worked in corporate retail merchandising, she understands numbers and the psychology of buying and has a track record of helping practitioners hugely improve the performance of their Google ads.

Google Ads WORK !!
But only if you know how to :
- Complete the set up set up
- Create an eye catching ad
- Create an effective landing page
- Monitor their performance
- Adjust campaign elements to maximise performance
Sadly most health practice owners do not have these skills and so have often only seen poor results results with their ads 🙁
This course is going to teach you those skills and more, so that you can effectively use ads to attract new dream patients to your practice in a cost effective way 🙌🏼
Sign up today and Louise will teach you her exact tried and tested Google Ads strategy to attract more targeted patients to your practice.
Using the exact strategy and process Louise is teaching in this programme, she has achieved some great results for her clients.
⬇️ Scroll down to see the exact numbers ⬇️
Impressions - How many times a specific ad has been shown - the higher the better
Clicks - How many times someone actively clicked a link inside an ad - the higher the better
Cost per click - on average how much the practice was charged for each click on the link inside an ad - the lower the better
These figures show the month before Louise took over running Google ads for the client Vs the first month she was running the ads.

Case Study
UK based
chiropractic practice
Impressions 2.9k to 7.3k
⬆️ 150%
Clicks 154 to 548
⬆️ 256%
Cost per click 78p to 30p
⬇️ 62%

Case Study
UK based
podiatry practice
Impressions 2.0k to 3.7k
⬆️ 85%
Clicks 134 to 313
⬆️ 134%
Cost per click 39p to 15p
⬇️ 62%

Case Study
New Zealand based
podiatry practice
Impressions 3.9k to 10.4k
⬆️ 167%
Clicks 462 to 1004
⬆️ 116%
Cost per click 98c to 47c
⬇️ 52%
1. Examples of past client performance are no guarantee of your future performance.
2. Converting the clicks from ads into paying patients has little to do with your ads. It comes down to the effectiveness of the webpage you send them to in persuading them to book an appointment.
3. This programme is not accredited or endorsed in any way by Google.